After a couple of photos of the Gorur Hemavathi reservoir being full and the splendid view of water gushing out from the dam’s crest gates made appearance in newspapers last week, I decided to pay a visit. But, to my misfortune, rains had decreased over the past week and the dam’s crest gates remained shut. But I was lucky enough to get a chance to visit the upper-level of the dam and have a look at the other side of the reservoir filled to the brim ( with more rains expected next week! Too bad, I do not have time off to visit the place again anytime soon 🙁 ).
Gorur Hemavathi Reservoir – no outflow from the dam
Gorur Hemavathi Reservoir brimming with water
Backing up a little bit, I took help of Google to guide me to the Gorur Hemavathi Reservoir. It took me via Channarayapatna, Hole Narsipura, which was supposedly shorter (instead of via Hassan). There were a lot of bad patches along this stretch, but the surroundings more than made up for the bad roads. Lush green fields, some ripe with fresh crops, some still being ploughed and seeds sown.
Agricultural fields during monsoon
Farmer bathing an ox
In one particular village near Hole Narsipura, we saw a field with Shavantige flowers (Chrysanthemum). These flowers were is several colors – Yellow, Lavender, White – but the yellow ones were the most in number.
Crysanthemums in a field
On reaching Gorur, we were first met with disappointment seeing no water coming out of the dam’s crest gates. But, the trip to the upper level of the dam made up for this.
nice place