Madagadakere, Chikmagalur

Madagadakere is a large lake situated about 35KMs from Chikmagalur in Karnataka. This beautiful lake, is not frequented by tourists and hence the surroundings are clean and pristine. Visit to this lake early in the morning and you’ll have a chance to view a large variety of birds. The lake itself is surrounded by hills on 3 of its sides and makes for a pretty spectacular sight. The lake is situated pretty close to Ayyana kere, which is more popular.

Madagadakere, Chikmagalur

Madagadakere, Chikmagalur

Just to give you an idea of the scale of this lake, here’s an image of the lake with people walking nearby. This gives a sense of how big the lake is.

Man and nature - a comparison scale

Man and nature – a comparison scale

We parked cars on lush green grass fields beside the lake. I was told that all these fields get filled with water during the monsoons. Boy, wouldn’t that be a sight to behold… 🙂

Green fields near Madagadakere

Green fields near Madagadakere



  1. Manjunath S

    Amazing place. Thanks foe sharing

  2. Manjunath S

    Amazing place. Thanks for sharing

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